The therapeutic properties of Frankincense oil are numerous, and a few are listed under properties. Frankincense oil of many types is one of my personal favorites. It seems I always reach for it first when I am feeling low, both physically and or emotionally.
Found in Incense, blends, perfumes, aftershaves, creams, lotions, bath products, soaps.
Olibanum oil, Frankincense, Blends well with: basil, bergamot, cardamom, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, coriander, Black pepper, Geranium, Ginger, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemongrass, Sweet Marjoram, Myrrh, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose and Vetiver. Depending on the outcome you are wanting to achieve, try one at a time. You just may discover some new that is very appealing to you and to others. : )
This is one of my favorite Frankincense oils. It is great for facial serums and this particular oil is beautiful, rich and the scent is lovely.
The frereana I find is excellent for energy work and opening the crown chakra. I use it in my other blends for meditation and skin care too with great results.
Don't mess around with so-so frankincense essential oils. This one is top-of-the-line, good enough to use neat, and will not get lost in a blend.
I'm very thankful that I splurged on the large bottle of this particular frankincense. I have not been particularly fond of the scent of frankincense in the past, but this is a quite lovely specimen. I will most definitely purchase again when I run out.