Helichrysum is a go to oil for many situations.
Anti-inflammatory, reputed to be healing for skin damage. Used in aromatherapy for stretch marks and broken capillaries. The vapors are said to be good for easing chronic coughs. Combined with massage the fragrance is reputed to ease depression and nervous exhaustion.
a beautiful helichrysum bursting with sunlight and dripping honey. a powerful oil in the realm of anti inflammatory and calming irritated skin & mind. no harsh bitter notes, beautifully distilled. a must for first aids kits & bruising. bravo!
I love the helichrysum I received. I’ve already shared some with a family member. He used it quite recently when he hit his leg against a hard object. He limped for a short time before I had him put some helichrysum on the area of hurt. In a short while, I asked how his leg felt. He said there was no pain at all, so much so that he had forgotten he had hurt himself. For me, helichrysum is a must to have in my home.
My favorite oil and this one is the best!
My favorite oil and this one is the best!
Always my favorite wonderful oil ❣️❣️❣️
I like this. It smells nice, like tea and honey. I've been using this on my face with some jojoba oil and my skin looks better. I just got a sample this time but next time I will buy a larger size.
I had a bad fall on my knee, was in deep pain, though nothing broken. After icing, I applied helichrysum, and watched in awe as the swelling started going down and the pain subsided. I think this qualifies as a miracle cure for strains and sprains and who knows what else!