Mountain Savory is also known as Winter Savory. Was used years and years ago as a seasoning in cooking. It is very similar to Oregano and Thyme essential oils in aroma and use.
Mountain Savory provides immune support, and it is an energizing oil. It has antibacterial, anti-infectious, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, and stimulant properties. This oil has been used to lowers pain and acts as a tonic for the circulatory and nervous systems. It is highly antiseptic due to the presence of high phenol content.
Caution: This is a "hot" oil. Will cause skin irritation. It must be diluted with a carrier oil to apply to the skin. Our personal preference is Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Will buy again!
While this is not my favorite as far as scent, it’s exactly what I was looking for in helping with clearing the air and respiratory cleansing. I added a few drops of lemon to help. Thank you for providing this excellent oil!