The high monounsaturated oleic acid content make this a very good oil for skin application. This is a wonderful oil for massage
One of the top choices of Aromatherapists as it is good for all skin types. A very good massage oil it is beneficial for dry skin and helps relieve itching, soreness and dryness, inflammation and burns . It is great for all skin types as an acting emollient and is best known for its ability to soften, soothe, and re-condition the skin. It is truly marvelous as a carrier oil and is equally superb for addition to body care products. Sweet almond oil is obtained from the dried kernels of the almond tree and it has excellent emollient properties to soften and soothe the skin. It furthermore helps the skin to balance its loss and absorption of moisture; exceptionally rich in fatty acids.
Sweet Almond oil is an excellent skin lubricant and is used in the treatment of stretch marks because it is gently lubricating and softening to the skin and is said to give it elasticity, helping to prevent wrinkling. It contains oleic acid, linolenic acid, myristic acid and palmitic acid and is rich in minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E and in protein Sweet Almond is slow to become rancid; users can expect 6 Months to 1 Year with proper Storage (cool, out of direct sunlight). Refrigeration after opening is recommended, (although Shirley Price says it keeps reasonably well because of Vit. E .) Can be used 100% strength. Sweet Almond has very little scent characteristic of most carrier oils.
A pale-yellow, fairly fine oil with a mild odour when fresh, but horrible when rancidity develops.
Caution: It is not safe for people with nut allergies. Massage therapists should note that it can stain sheets. Unsuitable for pre-blending essential oils for long term use.
Excellent oil, I use this for several blends. My only regret was not purchasing a larger bottle! Sooo, next time for sure it’ll be bigger! Thank you so much Appalachian for making and supplying wonderful products!