In pharmaceutical preparations for skin care products. In perfumes, creams, lotions and some soaps. Widely used by aromatherapists for easing emotional and stress related problems.
Anti-inflammatory for dry itchy skin, broken veins and allergies. May ease painful & difficult periods. Relaxant for anger, fear and anxiety. In massage for easing muscle and joint aches and pains. Can help ease children's night terrors and other anxieties.
Caution: To minimize contact sensitivity, always use a carrier oil when applying Chamomile oil to the skin.
This is one of my favorite oils to use at night, to help relax and get ready to sleep. After taking a warm shower, I mix a base oil with a few drops of the Roman Chamomile and apply it on my third eye, my throat chakra and heart chakra. Sometimes I add in some lavender...lovely, clean scent.
one of the best I have ever found and you can not beat the price!
After submitting my initial review, I read that the 10 ml bottle should have had a plastic stopper...that would have helped prevent the loss of half the bottle when it tipped over. I’m new to your company, so there is always a “getting to know you” time ....
Sadly, I lost about half the bottle since it was my first order and I didn’t realize there was no European dropper/stopper in the bottle, and it tipped over. Go lightly with this oil, as A little goes a very long way....
This has a scent that is almost apple-like with a hint of licorice. I initially ordered a sample but quickly decided to order a bottle. I'm very happy with this chamomile.
I like this RC. Better than any I’ve smelled.
Just GORGEOUS chamomile!!! Love it. I was sooo pleased. Clean, deep, sweet, mixing well with just about everything and used in wide ranging applications from a disinfectant for cuts and scrapes spray to a strong muscle rub oil or gel to a flowery room spray. A+++