ROOM FRAGRANCE: Petitgrain makes a very pleasant room fragrance, and it blends well with many other essential oils. This oil is particularly effective when used in a room diffuser to create a relaxing environment. If insomnia is a problem, try using an essential oils diffuser in a bedroom before retiring for the night. Petitgrain is an ideal oil for potpourri reviver blends.
BATHS: A relaxing, but mentally uplifting oil for the bath. This oil can be used as a cheaper alternative to Neroli oil. It has a reputation for improving oily skin.
MASSAGE: Good quality Petitgrain is an extremely pleasant oil for use in massage. Traditional use suggests it may be useful in relieving anxiety, lethargy and especially insomnia; it may also help asthma, and nervous headaches.
Caution: Cross sensitivity to petitgrain oil has been reported in people with existing allergic reactions to balsams. It should not to be used prior to exposure to strong sunlight or sunbeds. Keep all essential oils well away from the eyes, and away from children.
Expected a stronger lime fragrance
There is no other Combava quite like this one. Ive tried it from 2 other great & reliable companies (not well known though) but AVATs is hands down the best. No comparison! It has a far better citrus note than others and fantastic tenacity. This is one I cant not have on my shelf