We use the word premium to indicate something special, better, above the rest and that is exactly why we use the word premium to describe this Frankincense. It is a Premium Essential Oil.
The therapeutic properties of Frankincense oil are numerous, and a few are listed under properties. Frankincense oil of many types is one of my personal favorites. It seems I always reach for it first when I am feeling low, both physically and or emotionally.
Frankincense is used in Incense, blends, perfumes, aftershaves, creams, lotions, bath products, soaps.
It blends well with basil, bergamot, cardamom, cedarwood, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, coriander, geranium, ginger.
I’d order for Christmas
As a practitioner the quality is not based on chemical analysis alone, it is the subtle holistic vibration of the full spectrum of Frankincense oil that provides spiritual, emotional, and physiological healing results. This Frankincense is a full spectrum gift from Mother Earth and beyond.
Wow just wow! I was looking for a special frankincense to use in an inflammation blend and this oil hit the spot! Fabulous and worth every penny extra. I will be using it in an anti aging blend next and can't wait to see the results.