Lemon is used extensively in the food and drink flavoring trades. Lemon in the fragrance trades is used for a variety of products.
Used lemon in a diffuser. This oil makes a wonderful refreshing stimulating fragrance; may help lift mild depression; covers bad odors. Lemon aids concentration and in studies has proved to aid recall. Lemon is a mild antimicrobial oil. In massage it is refreshing and relaxing.
Caution: Lemon can cause extreme skin irritation if applied directly to the skin, thus must be diluted with a carrier oil. Lemon oil should not be used on areas of skin likely to be exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet rays.
I use for relief of my traumatic brain induced migraine headaches and it helps tremendously. I apply a dab to pulse points and between the great toe and toe next to it. It's a great product, and much better than what you find in a retail store. I've been using these products for over 3 years
I love this Lemon...It's pure, fresh, fruity, citrusy, I could smell this all day long.
It's really really GREAT! The smell is very fresh and it does go well with my diffuser!