Lemon Tea Tree

$0.75 - $184.54
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Botanical Name:
(Leptospermum petersonii)
Part Used:
Distillation Method:
Steam Distilled
Agro Class:
Lot #:
Delicate Lemon scent
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Important Information:
All of the information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice given by a medical practitioner. We do not give medical advice.

INHALATION: This oil may be used in the same way and for the same conditions as Eucalyptus. It can be sprinkled on the handkerchief and inhaled frequently, or a few drops placed in hot water and the vapors inhaled. It is ideal for: colds, coughs in chronic bronchitis, chest soreness following flu, for pharyngitis and for nasal congestion.

BATHS: 6-10 drops may be added to a bath to help relieve some of the conditions mentioned above. Some people with irritating skin conditions such as eczema, may find a little tea tree oil in the bath will help relieve itching and prevent secondary infections of broken skin, but see contraindications. Fungal or bacterial skin infections may be helped by this method as will the irritation caused by these conditions. 

MASSAGE: Use in chest rubs to help relieve the conditions above, or for local rubs to help rheumatism. Tea tree oil may of course be mixed with more pleasant fragrant oils and such a mix will be found more acceptable for massage.

FIRST AID: This oil is ideal when applied diluted in cream or mixed in water, to help relieve the itching of hemorrhoids and to disinfect the area. For MINOR burns, such as those caused to the forearms by ovens, from ironing, or from kettle steam. If a few drops of neat oil are immediately applied, it will help relieve the pain as well as disinfecting the area. The treatment can be repeated 5 or 6 times over a few hours to maintain pain relief. If you have Lavender oil available, this makes a perfect combination with Tea tree for treating minor burns. Extensive burns must not be treated by this method. 

Lemon Tea Tree can be blended with other healing and antiseptic essential oils such as: Cajuput, Chamomile, Hyssop and Olibanum in order to enhance the synergistic effects of the overall blend. A drop of Fennel added to about 5ml. of Tea Tree is an effective booster of antifungal activities, as well as reducing the unpleasant odor of the Tea Tree oil.

Caution:  If applied to the skin NEAT (undiluted) such as for spots, boils, etc. it can cause exfoliation of the dead layers of the skin. It must not be used on sensitive tissues such as for vaginal thrush, unless it has been well-diluted first. There are a few rare reports of susceptible people having excessive skin irritation, if this occurs stop using the oil. Do not apply old or badly stored lemon tea tree to eczema or similarly traumatized skin. Do not use lemon tea tree oil indefinitely to treat such conditions. It is better reserved for occasions when the condition has worsened as a short-term treatment. Keep tea tree oils well away from children and especially away from the eyes.

FREE Samples:
All orders receive three FREE Samples of your choice* See Sample policy.
Botanical Name:
(Leptospermum petersonii)
Part Used:
Distillation Method:
Steam Distilled
Agro Class:
Lot #:
Delicate Lemon scent
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Important Information:
All of the information provided on this website is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to replace medical advice given by a medical practitioner. We do not give medical advice.


  • 5

    Posted by shop@aftertherayne.com on Dec 12th 2015

    This is the only place I buy my Lemon Tea Tree. It is absolutely wonderful.